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Please allow 2 - 3 business days for prescription refills. Plan your refills accordingly.
Cancellation of an Appointment
In order to be respectful of the medical needs of our Community, please be courteous and call promptly if you are unable to attend an appointment. This time will be reallocated to someone who is in urgent need of treatment. This is how we can best serve the needs of our Community. If it is necessary to cancel your scheduled appointment, we require that you call 24 business hours in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your early cancellation will give another person the possibility to have access to timely medical care. How to Cancel Your Appointment
To cancel appointments, please call (339) 469-2707. If you do not reach the receptionist, you may leave a detailed message on the voice mail. Late Cancellations
Late cancellations will be considered as a “no show.”
No Show Policy
A “no show” is someone who misses an appointment without cancelling it 24 business hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. (Example: your appointment is at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, you need to call by 3 p.m. on Monday.) No-shows inconvenience those individuals who need access to medical care in a timely manner. A failure to present at the time of a scheduled appointment will be recorded in your chart as a “no show.” If you “no show” for an appointment, a fee of $50.00 will be billed to your account and an invoice will be sent to you. This fee covers administrative tasks associated with your appointment. This fee will need to be paid in full before scheduling any further appointments. Three follow-up “no shows” will result in discharge from the practice.
Lab work
We send all labs to BioReference and Medical Diagnostics, unless we tell you otherwise at your appointment. If your insurance requires you to use a different lab, it is your responsibility to let us know at the time of your visit. We will do our best to accommodate, however, it is not a guarantee, as we will use the lab that best suits the needs of what we are testing for.