Thank you for visiting Circle of Life Family Medicine
Office of family physicians Dr. Christopher Pichay, DO and Dr. Jennifer Pichay, DO

is a physician-owned family practice established to provide holistic primary care for all ages, from newborns to seniors, in the South Shore area of Massachusetts. Drs. Christopher and Jennifer Pichay are specialized in family medicine and  osteopathic treatment in order to provide you with the most comprehensive primary care in the most caring and compassionate manner. Circle of Life Family Medicine is a small, family-run medical office.  You will always see a physician at your doctor's visit and have relative ease in making prompt appointments with short wait times.

Dear Patients of Circle of Life Family Medicine,
We Have Moved! We are now at 75 Washington Street, Suite 205, Norwell, MA. As we move in and look to hire added staff, please be patient with us! We have a significant waiting list and will be contacting those on the list first. We will proceed through the list and accommodate as many new patients as possible. We thank you for your continued support and praise God for carrying us through these challenges. We look forward to the opportunity to serve our patients in this new space. ** Two years ago, the contracting physician organization we have been a part of since moving to Norwell dissolved and we have sought a new contracting organization in order to be able to continue to take insurance. As many of the physicians in our previous group did, we became part of the POSS at South Shore Hospital. As the system evolved and changed in Massachusetts and around the country, the POSS affiliated under the South Shore Health IDN. We and the other independent doctors maintained our practices but used this association for insurance contracting purposes only. The POSS was dissolved last year as it was not able to support primary care physicians for many reasons. We, along with many other independent physicians, sought out a new contracting group. During this transition we notified the South Shore Health IDN that we would join another contracting group while maintaining our affiliation with the South Shore Hospital and paying dues for that affiliation. Though we are still looking into the details, insurance companies were then notified by the South Shore Health system that we were terminated.Most proceeded as if we were no longer practicing physicians, as if we were employed or owned by South Shore Health. Payors that we did not even contract with through the South Shore Health IDN were calling asking if we had closed our doors. TO BE CLEAR: We were NEVER employees of the South Shore Health system and we have never been acquired as a practice. They have no ability to terminate us as physicians. We credentialed and enrolled independently in 2008 in Massachusetts and have been in good standing since. Both Dr. Christopher and Dr. Jennifer are primary care doctors board certified in Family Medicine. Circle of Life Family Medicine remains independent. As every payor affiliated with our association with the IDN sent letters reassigning our patients, we know this information came from them but cannot confirm how nor why. Since January we have been attempting to resolve this issue with our new contracting group. It has been resolved. We are seeking God's guidance and believe the independent physician has a vital role in our community still.